Friday, March 26, 2010

Winter Greens

Listening to my true loves, Turbonegro.

But anyway, Dan has found that he is really good at vegetable gardening.  I am astounded, not by the fact that he's multi-talented and clever, but that he has taken an interest in growing an organic garden at all.  He seriously says things like "a cold snap is coming" and "I have to go check the crops".  The weather radar is the screensaver on his laptop.  I find this amusing.  This is his first attempt at winter veggie gardening and it's grown like crazy.  You may remember my post fom October about how Dan made a box of dirt.  Just look at that box of dirt today:

We were both a little worried that the whole thing was going to freeze up and die when we had our 20 degree weather not so long ago.  It's still a little cold, and this winter has been LONG for Texas, but on cold nights we just covered up the whole planter with a couple of tarps and everything survived - really, we lost nothing.  Except our lawn. 

So, this is what we have growing in the back yard veggie planter- lettuce, brocolli, beets, and carrots.  We had some of the lettuce, carrots and beets in a salad a couple of nights ago, and most of the broccoli has already been consumed.  What everyone says is true: stuff tastes better when you pick it right before you eat it.

All this was planted late October.  Obviously I know what we'll be eating in the not too distant future.

 Last weekend Dan built a second planter and planted a whole mess of corn and tomatoes.  He has even taken to starting seeds indoors.  When it warms up a bit more he'll plant more stuff geared towards warm weather.

As you can see, our whole backyard has been transformed into a vegetable garden.  What you don't see in this picture is the pit where Dan planted potatoes.

So, it looks like the great cold weather I love is coming to a close.  I will miss it, and boots, sweaters and coats.  I don't get to wear them too often in Texas.

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